20 High Performing Sales Methodologies

High performing sales methodologies, strategies and frameworks – who doesn’t like them?

No matter what you call them, a strategy, methodology, framework or technique, today I am going to share the most useful one.


This is my favourite. BANT can be read as Bent like banter.

B stands for budget (Does prospect have budget?)

A stands for authority (Does person have decision power?classify)

N stands for Need (Does lead have need for you?)

T stands for Timeline (Can you fulfil it?)

How BANT works? You or your sales people will politely take through the conversation while getting answers according to the BANT. Don’t be too direct, be humble and kind.

BANT benefits: You know early on that this lead is a diamond category.

SPIN Selling:

Developed by Neil Rackham, SPIN (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-payoff) focuses on asking questions to uncover the customer’s pain points and needs, then presenting solutions that address those needs.

How SPIN works: Your sales professionals will ask questions to understand the customer’s situation, uncover problems, explore the implications of those problems, and finally propose solutions that meet the customer’s needs.

SPIN benefits: Helps build rapport with customers, uncovers hidden needs, and guides the sales process towards a solution-oriented approach.

Challenger Sales:

This is based on the book “The Challenger Sale,” this methodology involves challenging customers’ assumptions and educating them about their needs.

How Challenger works: Sales reps challenge customers’ thinking, share insights, and tailor solutions to demonstrate value and differentiation.

Challenger Benefits: Helps sales reps become trusted advisors, fosters deeper customer relationships, and drives more effective sales conversations.

Consultative Selling:

It focuses on understanding the customer’s needs and providing tailored solutions through a consultative approach.

How Consultative Selling works: Sales professionals act as consultants, asking probing questions, listening actively, and offering personalized recommendations based on customer needs.

Consultative Selling Benefits: Builds trust and credibility, enhances customer satisfaction, and increases the likelihood of closing deals.

Solution Selling:

It centers around understanding the customer’s pain points and presenting solutions that address those specific challenges.

How Solution Selling works: Sales reps identify customer problems, propose tailored solutions, and emphasize the benefits and value of their offerings.
Benefits: Helps align products or services with customer needs, increases sales effectiveness, and fosters long-term customer relationships.

Social Selling:

It basically leverages social media platforms and networks to connect with prospects, engage them in conversations, and build relationships.

How it works: Sales professionals use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or other micro platforms to share valuable content, connect with prospects, and nurture leads.
Social Selling Benefits: It expands reach and visibility, connects on personal level, facilitates relationship-building, and enhances engagement with prospects.

Inbound Selling:

It focuses on attracting and engaging prospects through valuable content and personalized experiences. Opt-in is an important part of inbound selling.

How Inbound selling works: Sales reps leverage inbound marketing tactics like content marketing, SEO, and lead nurturing to attract and engage prospects at various stages of the buyer’s journey.

Inbound Selling Benefits: Generates high-quality leads, fosters trust and credibility, and aligns sales and marketing efforts.

Account-Based Selling (ABS):

Targets high-value accounts with personalized, targeted sales and marketing campaigns.

How ABS works: Sales and marketing teams collaborate to identify and prioritize key accounts, develop customized strategies, and engage stakeholders with personalized messaging.

ABS Benefits: Increases win rates, drives higher deal sizes, and strengthens customer relationships.


A sales/lead qualification framework that stands for Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, Champion, and Competition. Sounds complicated, I know, but don’t worry – it’s just about learning.

How it works: Sales professionals use this framework to qualify opportunities based on key criteria and assess the likelihood of closing deals.

Benefits: Provides a structured approach to opportunity qualification, increases sales forecast accuracy, and improves win rates.

Customer-Centric Selling:

Focuses on understanding the customer’s needs, priorities, and challenges to tailor solutions accordingly.

How it works: Sales reps prioritize the customer’s interests, ask probing questions, and position their offerings as solutions to specific customer challenges.

Benefits: Enhances customer satisfaction, fosters long-term loyalty, and drives repeat business.

N.E.A.T. Selling:

This sounds cool right? It focuses on building rapport, understanding needs, exploring alternatives, and managing next steps.

How N.E.A.T works: Sales professionals focus on building rapport, asking open-ended questions, and collaborating with customers to identify needs and address concerns.
N.E.A.T Benefits: Increases customer engagement, improves sales effectiveness, and drives better outcomes.

Target Account Selling (TAS):

A strategic approach that focuses on targeting and winning large, strategic accounts.

How T.A.S works: Sales reps identify and prioritize target accounts, develop account-specific strategies, and engage stakeholders with personalized messaging and value propositions.

T.A.S Benefits: Helps penetrate key accounts, increases deal sizes, and strengthens relationships with strategic customers.

Value Selling:

Emphasizes the value and ROI of a product or service to prospects and customers.

How Value Selling works: Sales reps quantify the value proposition, demonstrate ROI, and align offerings with customer outcomes and objectives.

Value Selling Benefits: Differentiates offerings from competitors, justifies pricing, and accelerates the sales cycle.

Sandler Selling System:

It focuses on uncovering prospect pain points, qualifying opportunities, and closing deals through a systematic approach.

How Sandler System works: Sales professionals follow a structured process of uncovering prospect needs, qualifying opportunities, and handling objections to close deals effectively.

Benefits: Provides a repeatable sales process, increases sales effectiveness, and fosters long-term client relationships.

Customer Success Selling:

Focuses on ensuring customer success and satisfaction throughout the sales process and beyond.

How it works: Sales reps prioritize customer needs, provide ongoing support, and proactively address issues to ensure customer success and retention.

Benefits: Enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, drives repeat business and referrals, and reduces churn.

Growth Selling:

It focuses on identifying opportunities for growth and expansion within existing accounts.

How it works: Sales reps collaborate with customers to identify areas for growth, propose additional products or services, and expand the relationship over time.

Benefits: Increases customer lifetime value, drives upsell and cross-sell opportunities, and strengthens customer relationships.

Conceptual Selling:

Focuses on understanding the customer’s conceptual or strategic needs and aligning solutions with those needs.

How it works: Sales reps engage in strategic conversations, ask probing questions, and position offerings as solutions to broader business challenges.

Benefits: Demonstrates strategic value, fosters executive-level relationships, and positions offerings as long-term solutions.

Value-Based Selling:

Focuses on understanding the unique value drivers of each customer and tailoring solutions to maximize value.

How it works: Sales reps identify customer value drivers, quantify the value proposition, and align offerings with customer objectives and outcomes.

Benefits: Maximizes customer ROI, justifies premium pricing, and strengthens the value proposition.

Predictive Selling:

Another cool name. It utilizes data and analytics to predict customer behavior and preferences, enabling personalized sales strategies.

How it works: Sales professionals leverage predictive analytics tools to analyze customer data, identify trends, and anticipate customer needs and preferences.

Benefits: Improves sales forecasting accuracy, enhances lead prioritization, and drives more targeted sales and marketing efforts.

Relationship Selling:

Like name suggests, it focuses on building long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with customers through trust, rapport, and personalized service.

How it works: Sales reps prioritize relationship-building, listen actively to customer needs, and provide ongoing support and value to nurture long-term loyalty.

Benefits: Increases customer retention and loyalty, drives repeat business and referrals, and strengthens brand reputation.

Agile Selling:

Handle with care. Embraces agile principles and methodologies to adapt quickly to changing customer needs and market conditions.

How it works: Sales professionals collaborate cross-functionally, iterate on sales strategies based on feedback, and prioritize customer value delivery over rigid processes.

Benefits: Increases sales agility and responsiveness, fosters innovation and experimentation, and drives continuous improvement.

These sales methodologies frameworks offer diverse approaches to sales effectiveness, catering to different industries, customer segments, and sales environments. By understanding and implementing these methodologies, sales professionals can enhance their effectiveness, build stronger customer relationships, and drive better outcomes.


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